Julian Hill MP

Julian Hill MP

Member for Bruce in the Australian Parliament, Co-Convenor of the Council for International Education,

Julian Hill was elected as the Member for Bruce in the Australian Parliament in July 2016.

Julian is a Co-Convenor of the Council for International Education, and the Chair of the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit; the Defence Subcommittee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade; and the Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services.

Elected as a Councillor at Port Phillip City Council at the age of 25, Julian became the youngest ever Mayor of the City, before holding a number of executive-level positions within the Victorian Public Service, working in international education, migration, economic development, employment, community development, urban planning and local government.

As Executive Director, International Education, Migration and Employment, Julian had lead responsibility for development and delivery of Victoria’s international education strategies and worked with education providers to develop offshore markets. Responsible for overseeing a network of staff based in Victorian Government Business Offices across Asia, the Middle East, Africa and South America, the role also worked directly with onshore students via the Study Melbourne 24/7 Student Care Service and Centre, and with the Commonwealth, States and Territories via national forums.

Julian graduated from Monash University with degrees in Science and Law, has a postgraduate qualification in International Relations and is a Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) Victoria.

All Sessions by Julian Hill MP
10.00 am
International Education Review
10.00 am - 10.45 am


The Fedral Government has been conducting a series of migration and international education reviews. Julian Hill has been part of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (JSCFADT), through its Trade Subcommittee, to inquire into Australia’s tourism and international education sectors. The inquiry will explore the challenges and opportunities presented to both sectors since the reopening of Australia’s borders.
in relation to international education: 

•    challenges associated with the loss of international student numbers as a result of the significant disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and effective measures to attract and retain students to Australia;

•    online innovations in education delivery and potential opportunities to strengthen the sector's resilience;

•    initiatives to ensure positive international student experience and support pathways to build their skills and contribute to Australia's prosperity; and

•    opportunities for international education to support strategic and foreign policy objectives.
During these meetings, there have been several issues raised about some education providers and behaviours of education agents - this presentation will give an insight into the governments directions and a chance for the industry to express their model.