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09.15 am
The Now and Future of International Education in Australia
By Jonathan ChewChief Insights Officer, Navitas
09.15 am - 10.00 am

The government, the Department of Education, and the Department of Immigration have stated that international education student numbers must be capped and controlled. What are providers and agents facing in the future, and what are the scenarios for Australian international education? Jon Chew, one the leading commentators and researchers on Australian international education, will give his insights based on the outcomes from the Migration Review and ESOS Act Amendments.

Education General
10.00 am
Education Agent and Provider Panel - the new models
By Rod Hearps ICEF Vice President Asia Pacific
10.00 am - 10.45 am

A panel of agents and education providers examines business models and caps. How will 2025 flip the model?

Lucas Chiusoli - ILSC

Rick Chapman - Griffith University

Mark Lucas - HT International

Lesley Rogan - ISA


Education General
14.00 pm
A New Regime
By Ian AirdCEO, English Australia
14.00 pm - 14.45 pm

Ian Aird, CEO of English Australia, presenting. A new regime! Understanding the policy and legislative changes, the advocacy efforts, and what's next. This presentation will provide insights into some of the most concerning flaws in the changes, what amendments might be made, what impacts on the various sectors and stakeholders are likely, and how the sector is continuing to advocate for improvements.

Education General
17.00 pm
Where to from here??
By Sarah ToddVice President (Global) Griffith University
17.00 pm - 17.30 pm

Sarah Todd will reflect on the day and where international education in Australia is going. 

Education General