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08.30 am
08.30 am - 08.45 am
09.00 am
Open and Welcome - Study Gold Coast
By Jennine TaxExecutive Director, Education, Experience Gold Coast.
09.00 am - 09.15 am

Study Gold Coast built its reputation by offering an exceptional student experience – including support programs, professional development, personalised service, employment initiatives, unique opportunities and memorable experiences. Discover how they met the challenges of recent obstacles like the pandemic and their strategies to address the current shortage of student accommodation.  


09.15 am
The Now and Future of International Education in Australia
By Jonathan ChewChief Insights Officer, Navitas
09.15 am - 10.00 am

The government, the Department of Education, and the Department of Immigration have stated that international education student numbers must be capped and controlled. What are providers and agents facing in the future, and what are the scenarios for Australian international education? Jon Chew, one the leading commentators and researchers on Australian international education, will give his insights based on the outcomes from the Migration Review and ESOS Act Amendments.

Education General
10.00 am
Education Agent and Provider Panel - the new models
By Rod Hearps ICEF Vice President Asia Pacific
10.00 am - 10.45 am

A panel of agents and education providers examines business models and caps. How will 2025 flip the model?

Lucas Chiusoli - ILSC

Rick Chapman - Griffith University

Mark Lucas - HT International

Lesley Rogan - ISA


Education General
11.00 am
Morning Tea
11.00 am - 11.30 am
11.30 am
All or nothing - Visas and Students
By Melanie MacfarlaneBoard Member ISEAA
11.30 am - 12.15 pm

 The Albanese Government has vowed to fix the broken Australian migration system. No one could argue that I needed a lot of reform, transparency, and fairness brought back into visa pathways. The reality has been somewhat different, and we now have a completely different landscape. Uncertainty kills markets.

12.15 pm
International Student Panel - agent experience and beyond
By Akram MardiniDirector Student World ISEAA Board Member
12.15 pm - 12.45 pm

A panel of three international students discussing their experiences in the student journey - dealing with the education agents, visas, settling in Australia. Their current situation and their aspirations post-study. What is the current student view of studying in Australia?

Angelo Gomes


Mindroom Innovation


Anika Kalalo


Griffith University


Dinah Dong


Bond University


13.00 pm
13.00 pm - 13.45 pm

Lunch is sponsored by 2Stay Accommodation - 2Stay was involved in the emergency accommodation during the Covid lockdowns.

For over a decade, 2Stay Group, a well respected accommodation provider, has offered accommodation solutions for international students to the major cities in Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Perth).

Providing a home away from home and offering an outstanding and enriching experience to all guests are our main goals. We do this by co-operating with more than 700 partners worldwide.

The group owns CozzyStay and Homestay Plus and works with accommodation providers who have a wide portfolio to meet the different needs of multicultural students who arrive every day in Australia from all around the world.

14.00 pm
A New Regime
By Ian AirdCEO, English Australia
14.00 pm - 14.45 pm

Ian Aird, CEO of English Australia, presenting. A new regime! Understanding the policy and legislative changes, the advocacy efforts, and what's next. This presentation will provide insights into some of the most concerning flaws in the changes, what amendments might be made, what impacts on the various sectors and stakeholders are likely, and how the sector is continuing to advocate for improvements.

Education General
14.45 pm
ESOS Amendments - Quality and Integrity
By Alexandra ProcailoAssistant Secretary of the Quality Branch, International Division, Department of Education
14.45 pm - 15.30 pm

Alex Procailo from the Department of Education explains how the new measures will assist in building quality and integrity in international education in Australia.

Co-presenting is Diana Cozadinos 

Director of the ESOS Policy and Legislation Section Department of Education. She holds policy oversight for the ESOS legislative and regulatory framework.

15.30 pm
Education Agent - technology for greater efficiencies
By Dimity HydeAssociate Director Partnerships APAC Flywire
15.30 pm - 15.45 pm

The rapid change in technology offerings means more efficiencies can be injected into the education agent office. Get the latest from Dimity Hyde from Flywire and StudyLink


15.45 pm
15.45 pm - 16.00 pm
16.00 pm
Education Agent Workshop
By Simon CostainGeneral Manager Business Development NextEd Group
16.00 pm - 17.00 pm

A workshop with the audience  - what the industry can do for the government and how the government can assist the industry.

Rod Hearps will lead the workshop.

17.00 pm
Where to from here??
By Sarah ToddVice President (Global) Griffith University
17.00 pm - 17.30 pm

Sarah Todd will reflect on the day and where international education in Australia is going. 

Education General
18.00 pm
Post Event Drinks
18.00 pm - 20.00 pm

Join us for the after-party to review and network with colleagues